Liquid is not a currency, a crypto-token, or cryptocoin, but a mutual credit accounting system where every agreement and transaction is countersigned on the local chains of both counterparties. This design allows crypto-credits to forge new patterns of social and market behaviors that have not previously been possible. The words "currency" and "current" come from the same Latin verb, correre, meaning "to run." Crucial for designing community, "current-sees" shape, enable, and measure flows of resources and value. Stream uses these powerful tools to create Liquid that goes much deeper than money. Liquid’s purpose is to create and sustain dynamic systems for specific communities and their specific needs across the Gaia Stream network the the Global Gaia Commons. You receive Liquid by directly participating in the Stream network and its vitality.
Liquid currently comes in three forms, mutual credit via ReSource (Celo), mutual credit in Holofuel (Holochain), or mutual credit in TFT (Grid) primarily based on capacity and utilization. The fourth form, or phase of Liquid, will be a mutual credit via Aether itself, spanning across any Universe within the MC2 Network or the Global Gaia Commons, directly interconnecting with Gaia coins as a representation of the capacity and utilization provided to the Commons in which to operate.
Learn more about each form of Liquid: